Trento Evenweave 28ct - Cream

Trento Evenweave 28ct - Cream

From: Zweigart

2 reviews | Write your review

This fabric composition is 45% Cotton, 55% Modal. Trento is a textured evenweave fabric, which means that the fabric is given an artificial "slub", i.e. there is a random element to the thread thickness. This gives the fabric the appearance of linen, although the weave is more even and the slub less severe than a true linen fabric.

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  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
gatta Friday 16 October, 2015

Beautiful, beautiful even color, dense texture and smooth, definitely will resume again.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
IrBe Thursday 01 October, 2015

The photo makes it good is the color of both the plot and, although it is not linen, takes well his irregularities. Perfect to embroider, we hope to come also other colors.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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