Lucan 32 count - Natural

Lucan 32 count - Natural

From: Zweigart

3 reviews | Write your review

A worthy mix of linen (52%) and cotton (48%), ideal for any kind of embroidery, thanks to its slightly irregular counted threads structure, as further proof of the total naturalness of the linen fibers which enhance it.
32ct/circa 13 threads per cm.
Original Zweigart color: Raw
Similar to DMC 3782 and Ecru.

[STOSTA253482-14053 #117064]
€ 10.00

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  3 Customers Reviews (5.00
pama105157 Thursday 17 August, 2023

I bought it to try something different from linen, but it is so beautiful that I recommend it and will buy it again. Excellent color and excellent quality price

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
GeBA46754 Thursday 21 July, 2016

very beautiful fabric, but find difficult. Except here! It would be nice if there was also believed in.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
IrBe Monday 18 July, 2016

Excellent replacement of linen 32 ct. 13 wires, and a beautiful color crude. promoted

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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