Aida 14 count, Vintage Green

Aida 14 count, Vintage Green

The best-known cross stitch weave

From: Zweigart

2 reviews | Write your review

Classic fabric for cross stitch embroideries.

The price is for a cut of about 50 cm. x 55 cm.
Colour is similar to a combination of DMC 828 and DMC 368 (paler)
100% cotton
UPC/EAN: 4025421333557

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  2 Customers Reviews (4.50
paolalecce Monday 19 January, 2015

beautiful, with elegant shades. I used it for a portrait of monocramico woman.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
AnGe28622 Wednesday 10 March, 2010

Very nice and quite rare this green water all mottled with some darker tone. I see him well for a sampler for children.

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
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