Vaupel &  Heilenbeck Shade Card

Vaupel & Heilenbeck Shade Card

From: Vaupel & Heilenbeck

2 reviews | Write your review

Superb quality shade cards containg 2 cm of all of the threads in the Vaupel & Heilenbeck ranges. Perfect for selecting thread colours for your designs and projects.

€ 23.52
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  2 Customers Reviews (3.50
* Fiory * Wednesday 02 January, 2013

I love each article Vaupel, then the color chart indispensable me as that DMC, however the way in which packaged leaves much to be desired because each color represented by a crest badly attached to the folder, tant 'that the various threads that make up each tuft also detach employing carefully. I had to stick to each row of tufts a tape line not to lose too many wires. I hope that future editions will improve, especially considering the high cost, as well as hope that sooner or later buyers of the old editions will have the additional folder with the new colors. My vote 5 for the utility and 1 for low quality.

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
M-Myo Wednesday 06 July, 2011

I am a compulsive collector of color cards of yarn and fabrics and then I donated this too. I must say that I expected more from Vaupel care (even in the face of the price the moulin folder most dear that I purchased). The bits of thread are stopped in a rough manner and tend to detach with ease and mingle. Beautiful cmq I recommend it to those who want to compare these yarns "natural effect" with the classic moulin anchor or DMC

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
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