Die Königskinder Teil 1

Die Königskinder Teil 1

From: UB Design

2 reviews | Write your review

The royal children - Part 1
Booklet in German (40 pages) by Ulrike Königs. Ideal to create unique decorations for winter and Christmas. Cross-stitch charts.

[LIBVAU-L112012-3 #98437]
How-To Cross Stitch
€ 16.90

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UB Design - Bestsellers

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
* Fiory * Friday 13 November, 2015

I like very much. I think realizzer good part of these beautiful children. The schemes are giant size so the view does not strive. I find that these projects also addicano well to a modern style house. I recommend it highly.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
cipu7346 Wednesday 04 September, 2013

beautiful .. buy was a mess embroideries want them all strepitoso..grazie boys

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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