Kit Tilda Little Princess Angels

Kit Tilda Little Princess Angels

From: Tone Finnanger

2 reviews | Write your review

Complete kit of the series Little Princess Angels. Two dolls with hangings. The kit contains: fabric, hair, velvet ribbons, crowns, metallic thread, clip-art, stickers, needle, threads, glue, instruction. Padding (250gr.) is not included.
UPC/EAN: 7320184800016

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Ornaments Angels Dolls Decorative/Functional
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Dolls for your girls
Dolly Soft Toy AnchorWhen summer comes we can bring our children to the park and take them away from TV and videogames. In the open-air we can teach them our old plays and make them have fun among trees and benches of the park near home.

While boys play football, run one after the other and get their trousers dirty with grass, girls, who are milder, sit under a tree and imagine that it is a home made exclusively for them.
Huge pebbles become chairs and the branches are cabinets, the leaves are collected in bunches to create some beds and a lot of flowers decorate this home made of fantasy,
Our girls play and dream they are moms with their dolls.
Why don't you give to them a doll, soft and washable, which can accompany them in their thousands summer plays?

Here is by Anchor the Dolly Soft Toy, a 33 cm little doll to make with felt, padding and cotton. The kit contains all you need to create the doll. You can spend a rainy day with your girls to sew this Dolly Soft Toy.

By the way, if you prefer customizing some charts to make your own doll version, you can choose the pattern you like the most among the ones proposed by Raggedy Pants. Or, make your girls choose the doll by Tilda they prefer.
The kits for creating Tilda's dolls
TildaNow you're certainly able to recognize her style and original taste. Tone Finnager with her brand Tilda has been one of the protagonists of our catalog in the last few months of the year 2010 and with the new year we want to re-introduce her to you by presenting her dolls and collection.

Recently presented on Casa Cenina, these kits for dolls containt all is necessary to create some unique puppets to decorate the house or to make a nice gift to friends, either young or "older". Little girls will undoubtedly appreciate these sweet and colorful dolls, but also the adults will be enchanted by the characteristics and the details which are peculiar to all the products by Tilda.

Each kit contains precise instructions which will guide you in making these dolls, starting from fabric pieces, threads, little buttons and several ribbons inserted in the kits. Only paddings are not included, but you can buy them separately like this Patchwork Padding by Prym.

Between patchwork and creative sewing, these kits can be the perfect gift for those who want to approach the world of Tilda for the first time. And these dolls are also the protagonists of the books by Tone, like Tilda's Summer Ideas and Une journée chez Tilda.

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
Aliria Wednesday 11 January, 2012

I wanted to approach the world Tilda as fascinated by the romantic flavor "oldest" of the "patch" usually calls dolls and I decided to buy this kit to give away one of the princesses in my sorella.Quando I received the kit, I must say that already the case in which the content of a whole program kit (beautiful, beautiful, beautiful), excellent materials and then having to build from scratch the dolls stimulates me a lot, I'm looking forward to it !!!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
MaMo41274 Monday 05 December, 2011

I bought this kit, thinking it would be a good time to spend with my granddaughter Emily. I was able to explain simply how to build a rag doll, the little took the needle in her hand for the first time and I can assure you my great satisfaction in seeing the passion and patience he put into those small points. .. the high quality material as always ....

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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