Rose Bouquet Cushion II

Rose Bouquet Cushion II

From: Thea Gouverneur

1 reviews | Write your review

Kits includes Fabric (Jobelan 25ct), threads, needles and instructions. Size 35 x 35 cm.
UPC/EAN: 8717056422343

[KITWIC-GOK2034 #94441]
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€ 31.99

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Thea Gouverneur - Bestsellers

  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
PaPi6167 Tuesday 26 January, 2021

What material is it? Aida or linen? Very beautiful....
Hi :-) This kit contains the Jobelan 25ct canvas: a cotton and modal blend canvas with an extremely regular texture and a very pleasant finish to the touch. We remind you that this section is reserved for product reviews and we kindly invite you, for any other questions, to contact us by email at: [email protected] We will be very happy to assist you and answer any of your questions :-) Thank you and dear greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

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