American Wild Flowers
American Wild Flowers

American Wild Flowers

Cross-stitch kit - Flowers

From: Thea Gouverneur

1 reviews | Write your review

Kits includes Fabric (Linen 32ct.), threads, needles and instructions. Size 49 x 67 cm.
UPC/EAN: 8717056425542

[KITWIC-GOK554 #131054]
Flowers Kits
€ 64.99
Product usually available
for shipping in 45 days.


  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
Beatrice Bisi Tuesday 27 September, 2022

Very beautiful and difficult. In particular (given the scarcity of the attached threads) the impossibility of comparing the symbols that mark the color of the threads with the corresponding DMG: There is no comparative table?

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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