The Ultimate Sampler Motifs  Source Book
The Ultimate Sampler Motifs  Source Book
The Ultimate Sampler Motifs  Source Book
The Ultimate Sampler Motifs  Source Book

The Ultimate Sampler Motifs Source Book

Book with cross stitch charts

From: The Sampler Company

1 reviews | Write your review

An indispensable collection of sampler motifs collected from antique samplers - Everything you could wish for to create your own designs.
Birds, animals, insects, ships, nautical, biblical, transportation, people, houses, garden, trees, churches,alphabets, borders and much, much more.
Author: Brenda Keyes
76 pages

[LIBTSC-379 #145459]
Samplers Misc Samplers Needlework Alphabets Cross Stitch

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€ 26.00
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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
Cristina da Castelnovo ne' Monti Tuesday 20 April, 2021

Very useful volume for those who want to create their own schemes by themselves. Countless suggestions divided by category, all in black and white but with DMC and Anchor color legend on the final page. For the asking price 76 black and white pages isn't a lot, but as there are so many drawings on each page the course is worth the purchase. Always keep at hand.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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