Sampler Threads: Adobe

Sampler Threads: Adobe

High quality Hand dyed thread

From: The Gentle Art

1 reviews | Write your review

Gently over-dyed Fine Egyptian Stranded Cotton.
Six Strand hand over-dyed floss, Sold in 5 yard Skeins.

[FILGEN-1160 #18490]
Hand dyed Threads
€ 3.13
instead of 3.40 Discount 8% you save 0.27€

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The Gentle Art - Bestsellers

  1 Customers Reviews (4.00
LauraD. Sunday 06 November, 2005

I loved the delicate colors of these yarns. I took them for the first time and will know to say anything about when he has used them. For now, the first good impression.

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
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