In a world driven by technology and never-ending to-do lists, knitting is a quiet oasis that makes you slow down and just relax for a while; the simple, repetitive dance of knitting needles, and the feeling of beautiful fibre running through your fingers, is the practical and gentle way of finally attaining that perfect moment of tranquillity. In this book, take your first steps into the peaceful and fascinating world of knitting. Starting with just the two basic knitting stitches knit and purl build your repertoire up to the 15 essential stitches you need by combining these two essential knitting building blocks to create more complex stitches such as moss, waddle, rib, seed and more.
Each stitch technique is clearly explained and broken down into steps, as well as accompanied by photos and a handy swatch to show you what the finished piece should look like. Finally, with every new stitch, you are given the opportunity to practise your new-found knitting knowledge with a simple, beautiful modern project to knit at your leisure.
Stitch-by-stitch and project-by-project, build up your knitting skills today in this novel guide that will help and inspire those returning to knitting as well as beginners.
Author: Alina Schneider
128 Pages
UPC/EAN: 9781782215707