Velvet Evening

Velvet Evening


2 reviews | Write your review

The kit contains 14 count beige Zweigart aida, Anchor stranded cottons, beads, capron, ribbon, needle, chart and instructions.
Size: 30 cm. x 40 cm.
UPC/EAN: 4607154522684

[KITRIOLIS-100-027 #76738]
Portraits Kits
€ 77.58


  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
LADE1665 Tuesday 28 August, 2012

After I must say that it is worth Lapena, has only 15 colors, but from life virtually three dimensional, one gets the impression that the lady follows you with his eyes-Do, absolutely

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LADE1665 Tuesday 15 November, 2011

This had escaped me: really beautiful, has a fascinating face There are special points or just cross stitch? Anyway, straight wishlist
It is cross stitch with some applications in silk ribbon (the hat flakes) and some pearls (l 'earring and necklace). Good job :)
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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