Magnet Board with Magnetic Line Counter
Magnet Board with Magnetic Line Counter

Magnet Board with Magnetic Line Counter

From: Pako

11 reviews | Write your review

De Lux magnetic line counter with magnet bord.
UPC/EAN: 8712662007236

[ACCPAKO-749-400 #30354]
Needles, scissors & misc.
€ 21.41

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  11 Customers Reviews (3.91
MAPO84733 Friday 21 February, 2025

Purchased a few months ago. It is very practical. Useful for holding the pattern with magnets and the lines help a lot to not lose the reference points of the work

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
AnBa115623 Wednesday 23 November, 2022

Excellent. The blackboard is a metal plate where you put the scheme and on top of it the magnifying glass with the 4 magnets. Where do you put the needle when you don't use it and it doesn't move. Highly recommended to follow the points with the magnifying glass and the leading line. Now I don't get lost in the scheme. Very useful and recommended

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
AnRu507 Thursday 24 September, 2020

I rectify my previous review (and apologize for the confusion I may have generated). I received the line counter WITH slate. I am really satisfied. Excellent!.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
AnRu507 Monday 14 September, 2020

It would be useful to remove the words "with slate" from the product title. The title thus misleads. I only now understood (reading your response to another previous review of 2014) that the manufacturer does not insert the slate into the package together with the plastic line counter with the four magnets. My fault: I should have read the previous reviews more carefully and I would have understood that inside the package I would have found the line counter WITHOUT the slate.
Hello dear :-) We sent you an email, because this product has a slate. What is without a slate is this: also indicated in the answer to the other review to which you refer :-) Thanks and see you soon!
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
ChBu113212 Saturday 23 March, 2019

I find it useful even if it continues to be sold as "with a slate" while it is not included in the shipment. I will order it separately but surely you are convinced to order another thing, even considering the price.
Hello :-) You received the version without a slate, because you ordered the one without, which is this: and it is, in fact, the one that you ordered ... maybe you missed it and we are sorry, but there are two versions of the product and the one with the slate, is complete with a slate (a real metal plate, to which the magnets adhere) and this is:
gnetta.html but you ordered the other version linked above ... Which is not what you are reviewing, unfortunately :-( Please double check your order on your personal page on our website and you will see that, in fact, you ordered the product without a slate Thank you and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
SaTo66200 Friday 23 January, 2015

I do not know if my lens to be defective but does not enlarge ABSOLUTELY nothing. The slate then uncomfortable (roughly square) and careless (gray with not even a top coat). Because of the costs already a star too.
Darling, hello :-) I'm afraid there has been an error in your review, because the product you have acquisatto you this: Not what you see here ... we're sorry that you feel so bad and we are also a bit 'amazed, because l ' article that we've taken in the catalog almost always and always a best seller ... sure, there may be exceptions and even manufacturing defects. For this, I take advantage of your review to remind all / s that you can always avail of the right of withdrawal (within 10 working days of receipt of goods) and return products that you do not like them or you do not find all 'height of your expectations. The only exception patterns, books, magazines and similar publications, due to copyright law. Unfortunately, in your case, the above 10 days are long gone, but maybe we can avoid you other future dissatisfactions. Thank you and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]
VictoriaWinter Monday 28 July, 2014

This counts lines came without magnetic board. It sells from?
Hello dear :-) Unfortunately, the producer who does not do more with the slate ... And we had to adjust our will (in fact, in the description, the slate is not included). You can certainly evaluate a 'other slate to go with it aside, this s! Thank you and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
Cristina da Castelnovo Friday 15 November, 2013

Convenient, excellent lens and the magnets ... powerful. Not placed alone (rather large) and magnets welcome the needle in color changes. Never lost one! Only note the slate: a bit 'spartan (for me that I have both the DMC models) and small; Measuring 23x23 cm, so unsuited to the height of an A4 sheet. User the slate maxi DMC with this lens. Given the elite price would suggest it to be put on sale the single lens, just not to collect slates ...

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
Cristina da Castelnovo Sunday 08 September, 2013

7x4 cm length red line around the contalinee 10x8 cm.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
* Fiory * Thursday 02 August, 2012

This wonderful contalinee, the possibility of error cancel almost taking care to move the lens at each change of row. The only flaw that the lens should "capture" more squares; what if the intersection of the two red lines the point from which we start to embroider, you can only see from the 5 points on each side (top, bottom, left and right); I hope I was clear. However when I use it wrong a hundred times less, so a very useful purchase and highly recommended.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
paolalecce Sunday 19 September, 2010

I find this product indispensable for the "moles" like me !!!! Even if it costs a bit ', you have to consider that you buy once.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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