Merletti Napoletani

Merletti Napoletani

Book dedicated to ancient needle lace

From: Nuova S1

1 reviews | Write your review

The printing of this very rare sketches, whose discover we owe to the diligent researches of researcher Bianca Rosa Bellomo, is to be considered one of the most important editorial events of these last years in the field of lace and embroidery.
Author: Gioacchino Toma
56 pages in Italian.
UPC/EAN: 9788889262306

[LIBFB-9788889262306 #113580]
Needlework How-To
€ 25.00

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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
Cristina da Castelnovo ne' Monti Tuesday 18 April, 2023

Excellent reading that shows how even in the 19th century with good will and perseverance, combined with foresight, it was possible to create embroidery and lace schools that freed many girls from poverty. An edifying story which is joined by the valuable 40 tables of models for bobbin lace. Not to be missed!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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