Poussière de Fée

Poussière de Fée

From: Nimuë

2 reviews | Write your review

Designed from the illustration by Erlé Ferronnière
Size: 16x13 cm.
UPC/EAN: 3760236010788

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

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[SCHNIM-57G #49689]
Portraits Fantasy
€ 13.70

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Nimuë - Bestsellers
Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Poussière de Fée.
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
If you want to buy only the chart click on the button IN CART above the list.
All the magic of Nimuë
Our guest during the Festa del Ricamo in 2008, Annaïck Chauvel is known by everybody as Nimuë. A lot of you have been able to admire directly her works, but you can find in her page a hundred of products which well sum up through threads and fabrics all the magic of Annaïck's world. She has told us her passion for elfs and fairies, Celtic myths and Medioeval legends, all themes which recur in her kits. Under this sign, when she was only 25, Annaïck has become the director of the Center of the Arthurian, with its seat in the Castle of Comper in the forest of Brocéliande, fantasy name for a wood in Brittany. From this magic atmosphere we couldn't but expect some embroideries like Poussière de Fée or Le Papillon or also La Balançoire. The legends on King Arthur inspire the artists from whom Annaïck then creates her charts and most peculiar characters like the funny protagonists of the seriesMic and Mac. But the best seller by Nimuë which, let's be honets, is also one of the favorites by Casa Cenina is Clair de Lune, a very romantic embrace between an elf and a fairy on a mushroom facing the full moon. Sometimes you just need a piece of fabric and some threads to be free to express all of your fantasy!

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
SiFr6589 Saturday 26 December, 2015

beautiful ... fast to build but very effective. Highly recommended.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Lilith Tuesday 22 June, 2010

Beautiful picture, very tender and delicate. I embroidered in 25 hours. It is very difficult because there are many individual points scattered among other other colors, it takes a moment to make mistakes, also rich in stitch (rather boring for me), but what caused me maggiorer difficulty ( and I never would have said) was the half point: used to make the perfect back, this time I was not able to avoid some step of 3-4 squares on the back because otherwise I would end the insane asylum and, above all, was a front horrendous. However a beautiful embroidery. Council of the kit, which includes the canvas (linen Zweigart vintage mocha), yarn dmc and mohair yarn caramel for the dress. The latter a little 'noiosetto because stripping and should be made spiers court, but the really nice effect! Good job, really I enjoyed about it!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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