1817 Hanging Pocket

1817 Hanging Pocket

Cross-stitch chart - Primitive

From: Nikyscreations

This sweet flower basket was inspired by a 1817 Pennsylvania German sampler. It was finished in a hanging pocket, it would be really needfull for keeping our stitching tools or other little treasures.

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Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the 1817 Hanging Pocket.
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Pincushions are very useful accessories for all embroiderers. They actually are some simple little cushions made of filled fabric where you can range your needles and pins. They are a really must-have!
Some pincushions are already made like this practical Wristle pincushion or this magnetic version, Grabbit magnetic Pincushion, both by Prym.
But you can also create your own hand-made pincushion, by recurring to several techniques like embroidery and patchwork. Here is a very original 1817 Hanging Pocket by Nickyscreations who presents to us also a series of little cushions with a German taste: here are the Yo-Yo Pincushion , four models inspired by an old sampler from 1853. Here are also some sweet (but calories free) cakes-pincushions by The Cat's Whiskers, the Cupcakes Glorious, and a romantic Rose Heart Pincushion by Ewe&Eye&Friends.
And if you have not found the pincushion which best suits you, you can find a lot of ideas for a personal pincushion in the book Pincushions by Leisure Arts. Some more instructions are available in Italian on our article on biscornus.
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