Mouliné Organizer Cat + 1 Spool
Mouliné Organizer Cat + 1 Spool

Mouliné Organizer Cat + 1 Spool

Wooden threadkeeper for your yarns

From: MP Studia

2 reviews | Write your review

Cross stitch is becoming cool again and these cute embroidery floss holders can be personalised and are ideal for craft projects. This one is perfect for storing embroidery floss in style and keeps it both seperated and unknotted.
UPC/EAN: 4627128737975

[KITZOL-OR-059 #137977]
Cats Accesories/Decorative
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MP Studia - Bestsellers

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
piffiti Wednesday 16 November, 2022

Nice and affordable item to wrap the thread (cat) and hold together the threads needed for embroidery. I will take others

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
DaGi82185 Wednesday 13 January, 2021

Good evening, could someone explain to me how these cute yarn holders are used? I wanted to understand the difference in use between this kind of tools and the bows that I use. Thanks a lot, Daniela.
Hi Daniela :-) We take this opportunity to remind you that this section is dedicated to product reviews and that, for any questions or clarifications about them, we are always available via email, at our address [email protected] Having said that, we are happy to answer you here too :-) These yarn holders are not intended to store yarns (as bows are), but to keep yarns tidy while you embroider :-) Insert each color into a hole, after opening and unfolding the skein. In practice, these yarn holders work like the cards found in embroidery kits, with the yarns already inserted. If you have any further doubts, send us an email and we can send you photos, which we cannot attach here, unfortunately ;-) Thanks and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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