Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage

Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage

Cross-stitch chart

From: Mirabilia Design - Nora Corbett

2 reviews | Write your review

Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage
UPC/EAN: 843063044129

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

[SCHWIC-NC159 #72987]
Winter Churchs Beading
€ 20.60
Product usually available
for shipping in 45 days.

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Mirabilia Design - Nora Corbett - Bestsellers
Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage.
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
If you want to buy only the chart click on the button IN CART above the list.
Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage Snow Globe Village Series: Little Snowy Green Cottage Qty 
Linen 32 ct Hand Picked by Nora: Sea Spray Linen 32 ct Hand Picked by Nora: Sea Spray Qty  1 (temporarily unavailable)
DMC Mouliné  White DMC Mouliné White Qty 
DMC Mouliné 160 DMC Mouliné 160 Qty 
DMC Mouliné 413 DMC Mouliné 413 Qty 
DMC Mouliné 501 DMC Mouliné 501 Qty 
DMC Mouliné 503 DMC Mouliné 503 Qty 
DMC Mouliné 3863 DMC Mouliné 3863 Qty 
02016 Crystal Mint Dyed Rainbow 02016 Crystal Mint Dyed Rainbow Qty 
02026 Crystal Blue Silverlined 02026 Crystal Blue Silverlined Qty 
18123 - Cream Size 8 Beads 18123 - Cream Size 8 Beads Qty 
13003 Margarita Emerald AB 13003 Margarita Emerald AB Qty 
Arctic Rays: ice blu Arctic Rays: ice blu Qty 
Caron Waterlilies 066 Jade Caron Waterlilies 066 Jade Qty 
001HL Silver Hi Lustre (#4) 001HL Silver Hi Lustre (#4) Qty  1 (temporarily unavailable)
014HL Sky Blue Hi Lustre (#4) 014HL Sky Blue Hi Lustre (#4) Qty 
202HL Aztec Gold Hi Lustre (#4) 202HL Aztec Gold Hi Lustre (#4) Qty  2 (temporarily unavailable)
9194 Star Green (#4) 9194 Star Green (#4) Qty 

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
paolalecce Friday 29 August, 2014

like all schemes of this author, expensive for the assortment of beads and special yarns. Beautiful, bright and special, it is realized in no time

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
paolalecce Monday 06 June, 2011

I just finished the church and can not wait to start this other embroidery. Some beads and threads are identical to the previous one, so you can save a bit '. The Mirabilia subjects I never liked them (not like the ladies etc.) But these two are really special. They have a sense of incredible tridimensionality. I preferred to use the light blue marbled Aida 55 of the DMC because I do not feel safe on the linen (are a real mole ......) and the effect was the same beautiful

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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