Miss Christmas Eve (MD148)
Miss Christmas Eve (MD148)

Miss Christmas Eve (MD148)

Cross-stitch chart

From: Mirabilia Design - Nora Corbett

4 reviews | Write your review

This is Christmas glamour at its finest. The dress is made of holly, berries, juniper and evergreens. Red satin ribbons flutter. The fragrance of blue green fir fills the air. The stage is set for a lovely Christmas season.
Design by Nora Corbett
Stitch Count: 166 x 224
UPC/EAN: 842112102162

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

[SCHHOF17-1004 #122321]
Christmas Portraits Cross Stitch
€ 24.47

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Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Miss Christmas Eve (MD148).
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
If you want to buy only the chart click on the button IN CART above the list.

  4 Customers Reviews (3.25
byakko74 Wednesday 30 December, 2020

I love the pose of this lady, the fact that she is in motion and that the end result is, as often happens, spectacular. Unlike people who don't know how to consult the Mirabilia site to know what is used to make it, my complaint is for whoever produced the scheme. Let's start with the material, 4 silks are required, and while 196 (sable) night blue-dark brown-lighter brown-copper and 158 (grape) beautiful shades of dark purple-dark fuchsia-medium fuchsia-light fuchsia, they are absolutely necessary; 219 (cardinal) uses exactly the same reds of the bows apart from a very short more orange stroke, and you will use it right on the edge of the bows, and 232 (african violet) purplish blues similar to 341-340 that you will use as single points in a row and not you will never see a shade even paying for it, you don't need it, For the red you take either a silk with a more decisive thread or use a darker solid and really use the dmc because it is not worth it for 232. The scheme is frustrating, a the microscopic print starts, the format is already small on its own, but wasting half of the space available for instructions on both sides, the print of the diagram is small, difficult to read (I'm not telling you the joy in making the written point of the gloves) and let's not talk about the symbols, often very similar to each other. Probably one of the worst prints in my collection. But I repeat, the final product is as always wonderful.

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
elpa67991 Tuesday 09 October, 2018

It was my first test of embroidery on linen and with the use of beads ... What a wonder ... The photo does not do it justice

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
ElOr65929 Tuesday 10 January, 2017

The scheme is fabulous! Too bad that I can not start it because at the time of the order do not all materials have come out of order and so now they are without some things and I'll spend the new money to be shipped, it would not be necessary if the material list were were all inserted correctly! The scheme is still fabulous and it really drops it!
Hello :-) In this schematic page, by sliding 'list of materials, it is clearly indicated which are not available, because each "ricamina ", can know immediately set. The materials have been entered correctly, though not always all of them are readily available, especially in the case of hand-dyed yarn, which we import directly from the US and that often require not just the short term, not deny it. We understand that it can escape, but we point out in the clearest way possible, which materials are not immediately in stock. In case of doubt, you can always send us an email, to confirm if the materials are all available right away or not, and we will be happy to respond promptly :-) Thanks and see you soon!
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
Ginny14 Tuesday 10 January, 2017

Unfortunately, despite having entered the necessary materials Nos some were included in the order and had to reorder go ... cmq nn this mean that it is a beautiful embroidery that as soon as I receive all the materials begin.
Hello :-) See above :-) Best wishes.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]
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