Summer Afternoon
Summer Afternoon
Summer Afternoon
Summer Afternoon

Summer Afternoon

Cross-stitch kit

From: Merejka

2 reviews | Write your review

Kit contains Zweigart light blue Aida (16 count), DMC moulinè threads (40 colours), embroidery needle, chart and instructions.
Size: 29 cm. x 29 cm.
UPC/EAN: 5902808770053

[KITMER-SK86 #126700]
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  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
LADE1665 Tuesday 23 October, 2018

I chased it for a while 'in the end I took it I confirm what has already been written: beautiful materials, clear diagram, the threads already divided and rolled up on cardboard butterflies, in short, a beautiful kit. On the image portrayed speaks for itself, very sweet

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
NuCa110880 Tuesday 08 May, 2018

EXCELLENT KIT! I just received this cross-stitch kit "Summer Afternoon" and I want to state that it is the best kit I have bought. Merejka offers great quality and good price. Includes a patch of aida 16 light blue cloth of 39x41 cm for a box of 29x29 cm. The threads are DMC and come in handy perfectly classified organizers. The graphic is the B / W and color, of a large size, the symbols are well distinguished without the need to expand. It is divided into 4 sheets. Failing to start it, I have been very happy with the purchase. Thank you Casa Cenina for offering this kit.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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