Give yourself a weekly embroidery break in the heart of nature!
Discover 53 new cross stitch patterns on the forest theme. According to the imagination of the 9 creators, dive into this rich decor that welcomes walkers, animals but also fairies and fairy tale characters... Designed to accompany you all year round, the journal also offers recipes, anecdotes, addresses, blogs or Instagram accounts dedicated to your passion and yarn arts to get your fill of ideas and creativity on the pages.
9 designers
53 inspiring patterns
Collective work: Monique Bonnin, Véronique Enginger, Corinne Lacroix, Hélène Le Berre, Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin, Perrette Samouïloff, Sylvie Teytaud, Valérie Touzet-Come
112 pages in French.
UPC/EAN: 9782317028281