Idee in feltro - Il cucito di Marianne
Patchwork book by Marianne Byrne-Goarin.
Born in the States, Marianne has grown up in Ireland where, very little, she has developped her passion for all sewing activities. After her fashion design studies in Paris, Marianne has come back to the United States where she has discovered the patterns in American Folk style also known as “penny rugs”: simple models, created with felt pieces with an easy appliqué technique. Inspired by these patterns, she has developed a very personal style that she has proposed with taste firstly in France and now in Italy. o proporre con gusto dapprima in Francia e ora anche in Italia. A mix of patchwork, appliqué and embroidery with an able combination of colored felts and vivid country fabrics.
66 pages.
UPC/EAN: 9788896081044