

Cross-stitch kit

From: Luca-S

1 reviews | Write your review

Cross-stitch kit contains: Zweigart 18 ct. Aida fabric, Anchor threads (29 colours), chart, instructions and needle.
18 cm. x 27.50 cm.
UPC/EAN: 4840746028915

[KITLUCAS-B2333 #132825]
Brace Weddings Cross Stitch Kits
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  1 Customers Reviews (3.00
RICA17377 Friday 13 September, 2019

Very nice this kit, I was immediately attracted to the subject, to use as a gift to offer to my son and wife on the occasion of their first anniversary that will fall in December of qs. year. I must make a negative note on the fact that in the legend of the yarns used 'STILL' the relative number does not appear, however! Qs in my opinion is a demerit in that if I had to for some reason finish it or somehow dirty it I would not have precise indications to be able to supply me. In my opinion it should be mentioned in qs. LUCAS which must indicate the numbers of the yarns used. Thank you very much for the attention!
Hello and thank you for your review :-) We take the opportunity to explain that the vast majority of kit manufacturers do not intentionally indicate the color codes of the yarns used, to avoid the kit being embroidered more than once (after all, they produce and they must sell kits and, therefore, in their market logic, if someone wants to embroider the kit more than once, if they have to buy it again) and also to prevent the kit layout from being spread online (as often happens, alas), illegally :-( Without color codes, in fact, the illegally spread pattern is not ready to stitch. To this, we add that - in the case of errors during embroidery, so in the presence of pieces of embroidery to undo and redo - or in the case of accidents (there have also happened to customers who have inadvertently paid half a bottle of wine to their work, sigh ;-(), if you have purchased the kit from us, just send us an email and we contact the supplier, to have other yarns (ovv not all of them, because it is impossible for everyone to be lost and / or damaged) and, in general, the manufacturer sends the yarns to our client's home free of charge. Finally, consider that all kit manufacturers insert at least 20% more yarn, compared to the quantity required to complete the embroidery, just to cover possible errors. Luca then, in this sense, is an absolute guarantee, we can assure you! Thanks and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
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