Cushion - Spring Flowers
Cushion - Spring Flowers

Cushion - Spring Flowers

Cross-stitch Kit - Home decoration

From: Luca-S

1 reviews | Write your review

Kit contains: fabric for front (Zweigart Lugana 25ct.) and back side of the cushion, zipper, Anchor threads, chart, instructions and needle.
40 cm. x 40 cm. (size of embroidery 33x13 cm.)
34 colours
UPC/EAN: 4840746041600

[KITLUCAS-PB201 #133818]
Flowers Pillows/Pillow Kits For home, for yourself
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Luca-S - Bestsellers

  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
Anna132231 Monday 16 November, 2020

I received it a few days ago. The kit is one of the most complete I have seen. The fabric is beautiful white and the threads are wonderful. The image I imagine (once finished) is one of delicacy. I love.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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