Étude à la Tulipe - Linen
Étude à la Tulipe - Linen
Étude à la Tulipe - Linen

Étude à la Tulipe - Linen

Cross-stitch semi-kit - Tulips

From: Les Brodeuses Parisiennes

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A semi-kit containing the chart by Véronique Enginger with the DMC threads list and the symbols printed in 4 pages; the 11 thread-linen fabric (46 x 46 cm) and a dragonfly shaped charm.
Threads and needle are not included.

France Flowers

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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
* Fiory * Thursday 21 July, 2016

Wonder of wonders! The combination of beautiful colors, including yellow, orange, pink and plum. I recommend it so much because the really remarkable achievement.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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