Angel Of Love

Angel Of Love

From: Lavender & Lace

5 reviews | Write your review

Angel Of Love

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

[SCHHOF6501 #8123]
€ 15.45
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Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Angel Of Love.
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
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  5 Customers Reviews (4.80
MaMi12618 Wednesday 13 June, 2012

I acqustato years ago when he still did not know you, but I really recommend because a wonder !!!! I realized on linen 11 threads and I had absolutely no problem. I did it too with a white frame all worked and antiqued, with a pass dove gray that incorporates the colors of the embroidery: needless to say a huge hit.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LORY61 Sunday 04 March, 2012

Over now ,,, a riot of more than 4000 beads !!! ..... a wonder !!!! The only precisely covers the indicated material ... of all the beads numbers require 2 boxes (in alcunio cases even 3 as for the 557) and sostutuirei the gold yarn provided by the designer (that of a DMC yarn according to me poor in as very rigid and divides everything in 3-wire ...) with one of Kreinik (motivation of that choice may arise from the fact that the quill DMC has 40 m of wire therefore requires only one - if you do not make mistakes. ..perch me a couple of times I had to unpack and had to do a second ... while a quill d Kreinik has about 11 m of yarn therefore it would take four !!!)
Buond :-) The components are displayed according to what is written in the diagram (and therefore according to the will of 'author of the diagram). Unfortunately we can not mean different things, but perhaps those who read your review can choose :-) The staff of Casa Cenina
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LORY61 Thursday 19 January, 2012

I just started ... and down enough for me to say what a wonderful ... for we must necessarily use the linen 11 threads otherwise with that 13 there would be the problem of too big beads !!!!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
reca25180 Sunday 14 March, 2010

the most beautiful angel that I have stitched up to I embroidered on linen, and used a single DMC thread result spettacolare.non I had problems with the beads as he had the ns amica.a me was enough and I entered tutte.armatevi a lot of patience but comperatelo and put all' worth it !! rena kisses

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
CrSa11092 Sunday 14 March, 2010

A thousand times more beautiful of the small photos displayed on the site. Not very fast to do, but the end result a show. The only flaw that when you go to apply the beads, they are too large for the canvas and there are not, so I had to reinterpret the design adding a few points in wires to solve probably made of linen (or a slightly Aida 'largest) will be able to follow the diagram, but at this point the beads would not be sufficient. I I've pretty much finished all of them, but I put it person either half of those that indicated on the diagram So if anyone bring himself to buy a pattern and then put the imagination to complete it, this great value scheme. Otherwise use a canvas a bit 'bigger than that recommended. The end result (despite the changes) Spectacular

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
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