New designers for the Digital Download

Step by step the
Digital Delivery is getting famous. It is a method to spread the embroidery art in which we believe a lot and which gives to the brand new designers of this sector the chance to get known and to share their creations.
So here is in Casa Cenina's catalog
La matassina rossa: charts to buy with a click signed by Iulia Catalina De Rango.
Kittens to embroider for the Saint Valentine, a
red pinkeep to make with some Dmc threads and some Antica Tessitura Chierese linen dyed with tea, two nice
little owls and
loved hearts.
These and other charts signed by the young designer Iulia that we are happy to welcome in our catalog next to other Italian talented artists like
Simonetta Sabatucci and
Rosso Antico.
Naturally, closely related to other international artists who have well loved the
Digital Delivery method.