Madonna & Child

Madonna & Child

Cross-stitch chart

From: Joan Elliott

4 reviews | Write your review

Madonna & Child
Stitches Count: 159 w X 207h

[SCHJEL-JE109 #102803]
Misc Religious Madonna
€ 18.32

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  4 Customers Reviews (4.00
chve101140 Wednesday 18 October, 2017

Wonderful! As we have already mentioned, there are some mistakes in the legend, but just have a look at it ... I embroidered it on a celestial canvas and in addition to the golden beads I added black beads instead of the knots, because in all honesty I'm not right able to do it! I love him, a job done with the heart and the result also left me with an open mouth .. a real picture, brushstrokes are wonderful strands of touch.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
chno1273 Monday 23 January, 2017

Good evening, I would like to point out the errors in the list important because color is put on 150 but it should be a blue. Also comparing it with the pattern that was attached to the newspaper, there are completely different colors.
Hello :-) We ask that you notify us to list what you mean, sending an email to: [email protected] Because here in the product page we have not entered any list and, unfortunately, at the time this scheme is reassortment. So to make some checks, we should hear Joan, but we need to give clear guidance. Maybe it report directly to the list on the diagram? Thank you and a warm greeting.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
SeBi94379 Sunday 07 August, 2016

FINITAAAAAAAA and 'beautiful my chance to embroider on Aida 44 navy blue and' was perfectly timed splits the Madonna seems to want to jump out of the dark background. The only drawback in the legend, there are symbols-color printing errors and 'them you have to be careful, the color symbols 312 and 792 are wrong and a symbol and' Ugale for two colors and that '150 and 746 but being two completely different colors no one can 'confuse. Highly recommended, but very challenging. serious 70

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
SeBi94379 Wednesday 18 May, 2016

beautiful pattern but 'very heavy embroidery is not a subject I love and so I find it very boring in more' to complicate my life I'm embroidering on canvas Aida 44 navy bad idea serious 70

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
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