Les Psycho Cat\'s aiment le Printemps

Les Psycho Cat's aiment le Printemps

From: Isabelle Vautier

2 reviews | Write your review

Les Psycho Cat's aiment le Printemps
Psycho cats love springtime

[SCHISA-RV233 #73913]
Cats Whimsical
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Isabelle Vautier - Bestsellers

  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
LoryLu Tuesday 25 October, 2011

Attender patiently, then, so much work to do I do not miss! Thank you! Best wishes :) Lory D.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LoryLu Monday 24 October, 2011

I already realized this embroidery and I'm finishing the winter. I wanted to know if there are also diagrams related to the summer and autumn, or perhaps have not yet been realized. Thanks :) Lory D.
Hello :) the other two seasons are not yet out, we are waiting :)
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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