SYHO (Stitch Your Heart Out)

From the United States here is a particular initiative which unites designers and embroiderers from all over the world for a campaign to awake public opinion on the cardiovascular illnesses and their prevention. The saying is: "Little changes in your lifestyle can make a BIG DIFFERENCE!".

A sort of SAL (Stitch-A-Long) which will last for an entire year: each month one chart by a famous designer will be released in order to make the 2010 a year of health and embroidery!
The embroiderers from all over the world are invited to share this experience by embroidering month after month the 12 pages of this project, adding also some advice, experience and some little improvements for a bigger changement!
The adventure is followed step by step on the blog
Stitch Your Heart Out and also through big communities like Twitter and Facebook.
The final result will be a 12 embroideries book: the "SYHO Designer Encyclopedia", an embroidery for each that all embroiderers could keep as a secret diary, a unique and precious object. Once issued all the 12 charts the embroiderers will be able to receive for free the instructions to create this little piece of jewelry. All the charts will be available month after month on our webisite, with a presentation on our blog.
Here are the names which will enrich this particular SAL:
Glendon Place with the February chart-
Cherry Wood Design Studios with the March chart
- Blue Ribbon Designs for April
- Designs by Lisa for May
- Homespun Elegance for the June chart
- Rosewood Manor for the July design
- Ink Circles for a very hot August
- Country Garden Stitchery for September
- Monsterbubbles for a funny October
- Myrtle Grace Motifs for November
- Trail Creek Farm for December
- and La-D-Da to finish with January 2011
The first chart of the project is already available: by Glendon Place
"Only a life lived for others is worth living" Enjoy the project, enjoy your life!