Embroidering with Giuliana - Panels in Red - French

Embroidering with Giuliana - Panels in Red - French

From: Filofilò

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Embroidering with Giuliana is a new series of charts for those of you who want to use the reticello traditional technique, illustrated by Giuliana in her third volume, Il reticello.
Panels in Red explains how to create this wonderful pillow using the reticello technique. Level: easy
Text in French

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€ 14.00

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  1 Customers Reviews (1.00
frpu29123 Friday 11 January, 2013

because the text is not written in Italian? I exercise books I bought them all because I like to learn, but holding me text written in French, why? There are no exercise books in Italian '?
Hello :-) All these volumes are also written in Italian! Here is the Italian version of this product: http://www.casacenina.it/filofilo/ricamando-con-giuliana-riq-
uadri-in-rosso-italiano.html Greetings :-)
CasaCenina Staff

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