Guide de couture à la machine à coudre.
This work will guide you through, from your very first steps all the way to the decorative finishings, into all the features of your sewing machine. After a quick scan as per the actual market of sewing machines and their features, the book runs through a simple approach with 10 projects, explained A to Z, as examples.
You will learn which technique to choose, and which type of stitch goes best with it, which presser foot, which thread, fabric, which canvas mount must be used. Numerous detailed and illustrated step-by-steps, charts and tricks will help you out. A future classic, that you will refer to, whatever your level is.
This book affects all electrical sewing machines, whether they're mechanical or electric, and be what it may their brand.
Christelle Beneytout
264 pages in French
UPC/EAN: 9782212137965