The events and the initiatives by Casa Cenina

Since October 2003, when Casa Cenina was born, we all have wished to promote some
meeting moments among our cross-stitching friends and the best-known embroidery brands.
But there has always been also the idea of something that could get beyond the usual image of an e-commerce website, something that could make us feel more engaged and
closer to all the people that everyday visit our pages and make them meet the "real" people working beside this wonderful "machine".
Through the years, this wish and these ideas have become true thanks to meetings, events and initiatives about which we want to discuss in these pages: the meeting with
Lizzie Kate, our presence at the
Aiguille en Fete, Nashville, the
Stitchers for Children with Ellen Maurer Stroh and last but not least our
Festa del Ricamo, an event which has become a pleasant habit which takes place every year. It is a sort of warm embrace with all the people who follow us and who have the chance, once a year, to meet some world famous designers (who are really keen on being invited and on partecipating to this event :))), and to meet the friends known on the web, and to embroider and pleasantly talk, among hundreds of beautiful products in the magic atmosphere of the Tuscan countryside.
Here is the aim of this page: for those who ddidn't have the chance to take part to our initiatives and for those who want to remind these meetings, it is possible to click the following links in order to live those magic moments again ...