Tilda tante idee

Tilda tante idee

From: Edizioni Il Castello

1 reviews | Write your review

Book in Italian.

  • Complete Title: Tilda tante idee
  • Author/s: Finnanger Tone
  • Pages: 48
  • Editor: Il Castello
  • Pubblication year: 2011
  • ISBN: 9788865201077

Italian Abstract: Questa selezione di progetti propone accessori molto carini e idee regalo. Con i pratici cartamodelli potrete creare angeli incantevoli, festoni, borse, cuscini e idee da realizzare con la carta.
UPC/EAN: 9788865201077

[LIBFB-9788865201077 #74615]
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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
GrGr10700 Thursday 23 February, 2012

Beautiful booklet, the Italian version of the book appeared last year in inglese.molto clear and easy to use, colored with projects both for sewing and for the decoupage.E 'a joy just leaf through it, but above all, use it!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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