Fairy Enchantment

Fairy Enchantment

From: DRG Publishing

2 reviews | Write your review

Fairy Enchantment.
These new designs will capture your imagination and bring a touch of magic to the world of cross stitching. Inside you will find Fairies to suit all stitchers: A gentle mother and child sharing in dreams Once Upon a Time, a Fairy Queen ruling her forest realm, a playful fairy riding her elegant dragon across the sky, a Gardening Fairy at work amongst the fragrant spring blooms, and an exquisite Butterfly Fairy with shimmering wings dancing in the morning light with her fluttering friends. Also included are four whimsical fairy ornaments cross stitch designs that make perfect little gifts to share with those you love. All designs are presented in clear black & white charts and basic cross stitch instructions are included.
© Joan Elliott 48 pages.

[LIBHOF11-2284 #78451]
Sewing Sayings/Poems Fairy Tale Fiction How-To Patterns/Books Fantasy Fairies
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  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
moma31809 Tuesday 21 February, 2012

I agree really nice! There are also four schemini smaller and faster to do than to beautiful fairies. Very helpful advice given by the author and the school. It 'a treat not to be missed!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LADE1665 Monday 28 November, 2011

really nice book, clear patterns and early c 'is also a small "school" cross stitch worth much more than its price

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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