This bias tape comes from an eco-friendly project born in the north of Europe and uses fashion tissues that remain from the various phases of production or that are not used by the tailors and transforms them into threads for crochet or knitting, with a modern concept of recycling. It is a consistant and elastic (92% cotton 8% Elastan) jersey bias tape (120mt. bobbin).Ideal for making original bags: with a basic knowledge of crocheting and with a big (10-12) needle, you can create new patterns just following your imagination.
Color: Mixgreen
PLEASE NOTE: For its features of production and raw materials, there might be knots and imperfections (holes due to mechanical systems of fabric extension on loom,etc.) on the inside of the reels. Color shade (even by keeping its base) might differ from reel to reel. Pattern of this item may not be as shown in picture.
Please note: the image represents the base color, but not the exact color sent.
UPC/EAN: 8718503940366