DMC Mouliné  Étoile C321

DMC Mouliné Étoile C321

High quality cotton yarn, appropriate for Cross Stitching - DMC Original

From: DMC

1 reviews | Write your review

It's not a metallic fiber and it's not traditional stranded cotton... it looks exactly like stranded cotton, indeed, and with the most famous cross stitch floss it shares 8-meter skeins and 6 strands. However, its composition makes it completely different: 73% cotton and 27% lurex polyamide! Thanks to this special mix the Étoile from DMC sparkles just like the Summer's end heavens!
Just use it as the traditional stranded cotton (they also share the same size) and you'll see that no knots are possible while stitching
UPC/EAN: 077540948758

[FILDMC-C321 #132072]
moulinè Metallic Threads
€ 1.80
instead of 2.03 Discount 11% you save 0.23€

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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
KeSi124067 Tuesday 20 August, 2024

This yarn is gorgeous: easy to work with and with a very refined result, with two or three threads, to optimize the light effect. In detail, this red, emerald green and blue will enrich your Christmas works! All 35 nuances are a must-have!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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