Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03
Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03
Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03
Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03
Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03

Broderie & Point de Croix N° 03

Book with embroidery works and cross stitch charts

From: DMC

1 reviews | Write your review

To celebrate the new 35 Étoile skeins. A brand new volume paying homage to the world of traditional needlework and cross stitch, with patterns designed by the bigs of this world, such as Françoise Luthier-Diezaide, Louise Newton, Marie Suarez, Charline Segala, Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin, Hélène Le Berre, Floss & Mischied, Jo Butcher, Santamria, Véronique Enginger, Juliette Michelet, Madame Chantilly, Jennifer Lentini.
80 pages in French, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German.
UPC/EAN: 077540948291

[LIBDMC-15625-22 #132104]
Needlework Books Cross Stitch
€ 7.25

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  1 Customers Reviews (2.00
PaPe40815 Thursday 14 February, 2019

Of this book I like a maximum of 3 schemes, given the authors I was hoping for better.

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
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