AIDA DMC 14ct. Christmas Red
AIDA DMC 14ct. Christmas Red

AIDA DMC 14ct. Christmas Red

The best-known cross stitch weave

From: DMC

1 reviews | Write your review

Popular 100% pure cotton from DMC. Estremely versatile and easily to work.
Price is for a cut of 50x55cm.

[STODMC-DM222-321 #32231]
Christmas Aida
€ 6.83

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  1 Customers Reviews (2.00
roru26837 Monday 21 September, 2009

The painting in question is referred to as "soft to the touch and pleasant to work with" ... but personally I found it very stiff and hard. I needed for a centerpiece, but being so hard, on balance, I decided to direct it to another, and I must say that if I was satisfied the shipping service I was very disappointed from the canvas. I would not have taken had I known!
There really sorry for this inconvenience, as will imagine the descriptions that we insert in the products are provided to us directly from producers and we have to respect them as much as possible but in the face of accurate reports like yours ... we will as soon as possible to rectify . In each you will see that "working it 'is quite a lot and also softens after washing, but like all the rest of fabrics.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
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