Questa Casa Crede nel Natale
Questa Casa Crede nel Natale
Questa Casa Crede nel Natale

Questa Casa Crede nel Natale

Cross-stitch chart

From: Cuore e Batticuore

3 reviews | Write your review

A chart with a wonderfully decorated home, to give Chrismas and the holidays a warm welcome and to believe in its magic. Who knows, this just might be our very own home. The chart includes the phrases to embroider in either English (This House Believes in Christmas), Italian (Questa Casa Crede nel Natale), French (Cette Maison Croit en Noel) or German (Dieses Haus Glaubt an Weihnachten).
Stitch count: 187 x 191

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

Christmas Trees Love Buildings Cross Stitch
€ 11.00

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Cuore e Batticuore - Bestsellers
Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Questa Casa Crede nel Natale.
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  3 Customers Reviews (4.00
CaPr31164 Saturday 20 October, 2018

Hello, I'm Carolina Primi, the designer of Cuore and Batticuore, I would like to counter the review of Mrs. AnPO111485, because the scheme in question is not only in color, but in color and symbols, each cross is graphically distinguished by the same color the DMC matassina used both by a symbol in order to simplify the reading of the scheme

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Lella Friday 27 April, 2018

Delicious scheme! I did it quickly, having a lot of fun. The result is nice and effective, the difficulty level makes it suitable even for a beginner. Fortunately, instead of one of the usual black and white schemes full of symbols that make your eyes, this is all in color, very simple to follow because the work does not provide too many nuances. Highly recommended.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
AnPO111485 Friday 13 April, 2018

Purchased. Very nice scheme but it has NOT only color symbols! I find it complicated.

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
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