Klimt - Mother and Child

Klimt - Mother and Child

Cross-stitch chart

From: Cross Stitch Collectibles

1 reviews | Write your review

Designed by Kathy George, Cross Stitch Collectibles, 2020©
Stitches: 300w X 240h stitches
Stitch Type: All stitches are full cross stitches, with 2 strands of floss held together.

[SCHXS-KL-18.1 #33372]
Collectibles Art & Literature Portraits Crafts
€ 19.44

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Cross Stitch Collectibles - Bestsellers

  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
FaAl57504 Friday 21 June, 2013

Beautiful and detailed chart. Just what I was looking for to end up with a nice result. currently 30% done :)

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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