About us

It's not easy to talk about us, we hope to do it better with the quality of our products, the service we provide and not least, our ideas.

Legal references

Cenina S.r.l.
Loc. Cenina, 184/A - 52010 Capolona (AR) - Italia

R.E.A.: Arezzo: 128424
VAT : IT01651310516

Phone number : +39 0575 421407
Fax : +39 0575 033115
E-mail : [email protected]

Where is Casa Cenina

Casa Cenina is in the Tuscan countryside, not far from Arezzo and close to the Foreste Casentinesi National Park. You will probably find some pictures in the pages dedicated to meetings we have organized.

How was it born

The accidental gathering of people coming from very different experiences, but all looking for a different way to deal with their own passions, led to the original idea.
On the one hand, there were the people keen on stitching, quilting, scrapbooking, knitting and crocheting, while on the other there was someone who had a long-time experience in the universe of The Internet, of software, advertising and editing. The result is much more than an online store: a meeting place and a “melting pot” of craft techniques and trends.
For over ten years, Casa Cenina has been growing, both in terms of offer and in terms of presence in the online world: hundreds orders dispatched daily, both in Europe and worldwide, thousands accesses every day, from users of any country in the world, who can surf our website in four different languages (Italian, French, English, Spanish).

All without loosing sight of and/or neglecting our original “vocation”, to be a place where all the fans of crafting techniques could shop, show their creations, share their experiences, organize events and find quick and competent answers to their technical questions and doubts, joining together the discovery of new items, trends and rarities. The care for individual needs and requests has been kept unchanged, though the number of users, items in stock and countries reached has grown much higher.

Casa Cenina has proved, how different personalities and know-hows can share their knowledge and experiences together, in order to create a successful business reality, by matching a top-quality service and an efficient organization.

Some Casa Cenina KPI

• Casa Cenina is the best-known online business in the European scene of hobby and crafts (stitching, quilting, scrapbooking, knitting/crocheting)
• it’s online in four different languages
• it’s the leading reality among the e-commerce Hobby&Craft websites in Italy
• it ranks among the first ones in France, Spain and The Netherlands
• it’s strongly growing up in Germany
• it operates in the most popular marketplaces, with a large share of its products
• it has a catalog of about 70,000 “ready-to-sell” items
• it has an average of over 50,000 items in stock
• its infrastructure of web services is fully distributed in Cloud

If you wish to know more and/or you’re interested in Casa Cenina, please just contact us!


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© Cenina S.r.l.
VAT : IT01651310516 - R.E.A. 128424
Fax: +39-0575-033115 - Tel: +39-0575-421407
E-Mail: [email protected]