Tralala: 3 minis Coeurs

Tralala: 3 minis Coeurs

Tralala - Cross-stitch chart

From: Corinne Rigaudeau

Tralala: 3 minis Coeurs

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Corinne Rigaudeau - Bestsellers
French Embroidery: Tralala
It goes without saying: when we talk about embroidery we always refer to France... Here is another brand, and friend, from the other side of the Alps: Tralala.
Behind this cartoon name there is Corinne Rigaudeau who always proposes us her little and delicious creations. The charts are not very big, which makes the embroidery easier and quicker and which gives life to real sweety creations.
Among our last products inserted in our catalog there are the following articles: Panier Gourmand and 3 Mini Cuori. Two different techniques: the first is cross-stitching and the second is wooden pictures.
However, among the best known charts by Corinne we can surely mention Mère Noël, Dans Mon Jardin and Bienvenue dans mon poulailler. These three charts'measures are approximately 120x100 stitches. Little pictures to hang on the walls of your rooms. The style is delicate and a bit naïf, but always sticky. Mère Noël, a nice peasant girl and three little chickens in red dresses to cheer the natural linen up with funny and vivid colors.
We seize this occasion to remind you that if you don't find the list of the accessories you're interested in for your charts (like for Tralala), you can send us an email to [email protected]. We will insert them as soon as possible.
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