Privacy Policy of


This statement is destined to all those who visit and interact with the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), as well as those wishing to access the services provided via the Website itself, including the offer and sale of products via the Website ("e-commerce").

This page describes how the Website must be managed with regard to the processing of personal data concerning Website visitors.
This notice is rendered strictly with respect to the aforementioned Website and not with respect to other websited that can be consulted via links.

The Website is owned by Cenina S.r.l., with head office in Capolona (AR) - Italy, recorded at the Arezzo Company Registration Office, at No. 128424, Vat Number IT01651310516 ("Company") that, in compliance with their statute purposes, has realized the technological platform of the Website, also owned by Cenina S.r.l., and set the technical and organization modalities of their e-commerce service.

E-mail of the Data Controller: [email protected]

The Company is the specific and only contract counterparty of the user purchasing via the Website and is therefore:
• the subject that the user sends his order to, in order to accept the offer and conclude the sale contract;
• the subject assuming the pre-contractual duties deriving from the offer with regard to the user;
• the subject concluding the sale agreement with the user, assuming the related duties and rights.

The Website log-in service is supplied by the Company. Registering in the Website is necessary to shop online, as well as to benefit of the other services reserved to registered users. The e-commerce service is provided by the Company, processing the order through their platform and in compliance with the technical and organization modalities set.

To make online shopping easier, when filling in the order form, the user is displayed the personal data previously provided in the log-in form and needed to complete the shopping procedure (for example, surname, family name, delivery address), without having to enter such data again in the order form. The user allows the Company to collect these data and email ddress, also required for the seller to comply with obligations laid down by the law (for example: sending the order confirmation, as provided for by Article 13, section 2, of the Legislative Decree 70/2003), when a purchase order is entered, by clicking on the relevant key. Therefore, these data will be supplied to the Company exclusively by pressing the key that enables the purchase order to be entered and never before.

in order to allow your log-in in the Website, as well as the access to the e-commerce service, the Company, can process some of your personal data.

Therefore, in compliance with legal provisions (Legislative Decree. n. 196 of 30th June 2003 – the so-called "Privacy Code" – Article 10 of Directive 95/46/EC - Directives 2002/58/EC and 2009/136/EC – EU Regulations 2016/679 GDPR) the Company, with this document, provides you some important information on the processing the data supplied by you will be subject to:
• as far as surfing the Website is concerned;
• when logging in the Website;
• when concluding the e-commerce contract;
• as far as providing any possible after-sale service is concerned.

1. Processing purposes and nature of the data processed

The data entered by the user through the Website will be processed for the following purposes:
• to enable registering to the Website and to access the services reserved to registered users, as well as to comply with all the accounting-administrative and legal activities connected to it ("Registering");
• in the instance of an online purchase ("Sale"):
» to enable concluding the sale contract and the correct execution of the operations connected to it
» for the fulfillment of fiscal and legal obligations
• subject to the user’s approval, in order to send information about promotions, discounts, benefits on behalf of the Company, as well to send commercial information or news ("Newsletter"), to carry out market researches also meant to assess user satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction) and to report all the initiatives concerning products and/or services under the Company brand and/or from third parties, including the products sold in the website, as well as in the sale points of the Company, by means of automatized systems, such as emails or text messages ("Marketing");
• subject to the user’s approval, in order to analyze his selections as a consumer and his shopping habits ("Profiling"), on behalf of the Company by detecting the typology and frequency of the online purchases and, if listed, the areas of specific interest, optionally requested and selected by the user in the log-in form, in order to send information and/or advertising material that the user can find interesting, following the modalities decribed in the previous paragraph ("Profiling").

Sensitive data
Sensitive data are never required to register in the Website and to shop online.

Browsing data
The Website can be accessed and the products can be visualized without supplying any personal data. However, the IT systems and the software operating the Website normally do acquire some personal data, whose forwarding is implied in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet. Such information are not collected to be associated with identied users, but, by their own very nature, could, through elaborations and associations, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who access the Website, the Url addresses if requested resources, the time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply and so on. These data are used exclusively to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Wensite (such as, in particular, the number of accesses, the items seen, the webpages surfed) and to check its correct functioning and they are delated immediately after processing. This procedure does not provide for the processing of directly identifying information. The browsing data will be acquired, through the above-mentioned modalities, exclusively by the Company.

Data concerning payment management
Payment management services allow to process payments with credit card, bank transfers and other payment procedures. The payment data used are acquired directly from the selected payment service provider and are never processed by the Website in any case. Some of these services may also provide for the programmed delivery of messages and/or emails containing invoices or notifications concerning the payment.
When paying with credit card, the user must enter his card information (card number, name on card, expiry date and CVV) directly in a webpage that will communicate with the payment service provider via a secure encryption protocol and the payment service provider will thus act as an independent data controller. Data are acquired in an encrypted format and in compliance with the security requirements seth forth by the PCI standard.
The payment services operates using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocol.

Details on Personal Data Processing
Personal Data are collected for the following purposes and by using the following services:
» Contact form: by filling out the contact form with your own data, you authorize their use to reply to any information or quotation request as well as to any other kind of requested listed in the form.
» Phone contact: the users who provide their phone number can be contacted (with text messages or phone calls) for commercial or promotional purposes connected to the Website, as well as to meet any support request.
» Commenting the Contents: commenting services enable users to post their comments on the contents of the Website. Following the settings of the Website, users can post their comments also anonymously. If the email is included in the Personal Data supplied by the user, this could be used to notify any comment concerning the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their comments.
» Mailing List and Newsletter: when joining the newsletter, the email address is automatically included into a mailing list whose contacts can receive emails containing information, including commercial and promotional ones, concerning the Website. The request for joining the Newsletter can be displayed with the related webpag even when registering or shopping online.
» Interaction with external social networks and platforms: ome services of the Website allow interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from its webpages. The interaction and the information obtained are always subject to the user’s privacy settings for each platform. This activity is carried out through user data tracking and using Cookies, information that are forwarded to the partners whose remarketing and the relevant webpage. Besides the opt-out possibilities offered by each service, the user can select to be cut off from receiving the cookies connected to a third service, by visiting the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative.

2. Disclosure of data and consequences of failure to allow data processing

The provision of the data for the purposes reported in article 1 is absolutely optional. However, since that processing is necessary to allow registering to the Website and being displayed the reserved services, including the e-commerce service, your refusal to supply the data requested makes it impossible for you to register to the Website and to shop online. In relation to the purposes of the processing listed in previous article, allowing to process your data is absolutely optional and can be expressed by simply selecting the related check box, for each different purpose, at the bottom of the Website registration form. Failure to allow data processing will not have any consequence on the possibility of registering to the Website and/or shopping in it and it will only have the consequences described here below:
• failure to allow personal data processing for the purposes listed in preceding article 1 will make it impossible to receive commercial information and newsletters, promotions, discounts and special terms from the Company as well as for the Company to carry out market surveys also meant to evaluate customer satisfaction and to report any initiative concerning products and/or services of theirs and/or of third parties;
• failure to allow personal data processing for the purposes listed in preceding article 1 will make it impossible for the Company to analyze your consumer choices ("profiling"), by detecting the type and frequency of your online purchases and, if mentioned, the area of interest optionally required and selected by the user in the registration form, in order to send targeted information and/or advertising material with the modalities described in the last point of preceding article 1.

3. Data processing methods

Data processing wil be carried out mainly with electronic and/or automated instruments, with the proper modalities and means guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data themselves and in compliance with Privacy Regulations. In particular, the Company will adopt all technical, IT, organizational, logistical and procedural safety measures, so as to guarantee the minimum level of protection of personal data as provided for by the law, enabling the access exclusively to the people in charge of data treatment on behalf of each Data Controller or of the responsibles designated by each Data Controller. Moreover, data will be managed and protected in environments whose access is steadily under control.

4. Area of data communication

The personal data supplied by the uses for the purposes described in the preceding article 1 can be communicated to the following subjects:
• employees and/or collaborators of the Company, as per the General Contract Conditions;
• companies or consultants in charge of installing, servicing, updating and generally managing the Company’s hardware and software, as per the General Contract Conditions;
• companies appointed by the Company to send online communications;
• all the public and/or private subjects, individual and/or corporate entities (law firms, accounting and tax advice companies), in case it is needed to forward the data or resulting as functional to the correct fulfillment of undertaken contractual and legal obligations, in relation to the services provided through the Website; • the company in charge of carrying out telephone customer support (customer care); • the subjects in charge of repairing the products purchased in accordance with the execution of the terms provided for by the legal guarantee of conformity;
• carriers and any subject in charge of delivering and/or picking up the products purchased;
• any subject (including Public Authorities) who can access the data, following regulatory or administrative provisions.

All personal data provided by the user when registering to the Website and/or when shopping in the Website are not subject to dissemination.

5. Data Controller

• The persons appointed by the Board of Directors of Cenina S.r.l. and their employess are data controllers.
• For any request and/or inquiry concerning Data Processing, please send your email to: [email protected]
• For the purposes described under "Registration", "Marketing" and "Profiling" at the preceding item 1, the Company acts in its legislative capacity of independent controller of the data supplied by the user. Therefore, the user can send any request, also pursuant to the following article 7, concerning his data processing to the above-mentioned email.
• For the purposes described under "Sale", of the preceding article 1, the Company acts in its legislative capacity of controller of the data supplid by the user, to allow the purchase contract to be concluded and the correct fulfillment of any operation connected to it, as specified in sub-paragraph of article 1. Therefore, the user can send any request, also pursuant to the following article 7, concerning his data processing and, when applicable, concerning to his sensitive data, to the above-mentioned Company’s email.
• In this regard, it is recalled that:
» the Company identifying details are permanently published in the Website at the bottom of each webpage.
» the registering and shopping procedure in the Website allows the user to identify the Company before the company itself acquires the user’s data, in order to enable him to exercise the, as described in the following article 7 of Privacy Policy.

6. Data storage

The user’s data will be kept exclusively for the period of time needed to ensure the correct performance of the services offered.
f the user decides to cancel his account in the Website, the data included in the account will be kept exclusively for administrative puposes and for a period of time not longer than a quarter, without prejudice to any additional obligation laid down by legislation as for the storage of accounting papers, or for public security purposes.
n any case, it is understood tha personal data will be kept and processed for the purposes described in the points "Marketing” and "Profiling", as described in the preceding article 1, for the period of time permitted by the law and by the requirements of the Authority for Personal Data Protection.
At the end of this period the Company can ask the user to renew his consent to data processing for the above-mentioned purposes, or giving them into anonymity and keep them exclusively for historical or statistical purposes.

7. Right of access to personal data

As required by the applicable Law regulations, the user has the right:
• to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist and to obtain their communication in intelligible form;
• to obtain, on behalf of each Data Controller, information on the origin of his personal data, on the processing purposes and modalities, on the logic applied in case data are processed with the electronic systems;
• to get information on the identification details of each Data Controller;
• to get information on the individuals or the categories of the subjects whose data can be forwarded or who can come to know them as appointed representatives in the territory of the State or responsibles;
• to obtain:
» the update, the rectification or the integration of his data;
» the cancellation, the modification in anonymous form or blocking the data that have been processed unlawfully, including the data that have to be kept stored in relation with the purposes which the data are collected for or subsequently processed;
» the certification to the effect that said operations have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected;
• to object, in whole or in part:
» on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
» to the processing of personal data concerning him, provided for the purposes of commercial information or sending advertising or direct sale material or to carry out market surveys or commercial communication.
The afirementioned rights can be exercised upon request to any Controller, as reported in the preceding article 5.

8. Cookies

To go on shopping online, we encourage you to enable cookies on your browser.

8.1 What cookies are used
The Company uses several types of cookies, small text strings that the Website sends the user’s browser, where they are stored to be then forwarded again to the Website whe the user surf the same website again. When surfing the Website the user can receive also cookies from different websites on his browser (i.e. third party cookies); this happens because elements such as images or links to the web pages of other domains can be displayed in the Website, though residing in servers that are different from that of the Website.
Cookies are used to execute IT authentication functions, for monitoring session and storing specific information concerning the users accessing the Website. Some functions could not be executed without the use of cookies. The Website uses session cookies that are deleted automatically when the user closes his browser and persistent cookies that remain stored in the user’s computer also after he has closed his browser.
Session cookies are used to save the products that are put into the shopping cart during the shopping session; while for authentication multimedial cookies are used, necessary to reproduce video or audio contents. Upon the user’s request (by selecting the check box "remember me" when logging in), persistent cookies are activated, to allow storing authentication credentials. The above-mentioned cookies are technical cookies. i.e. cookies that are used exclusively for technical purposes, or to fulfill specific requests of the Website user.
Please, see the relevant webpage for all details on cookies..

8.2. Web Analysis (Google Analytics)
To improve the services offered, the Website utilizes property technologies, in order to execute a statistical assessment of the use of the Website. Information can be collected, though in anonymous form, such as the time of access to the website, the kind/version of browser used, the operating system, the Javascripts enabled, the addressing URL. None of these data is directly attributed to a certain user.
It is always possible to prevent the collection of the data generated by cookies and concerning your use of the Website (such as, for example, the number of clicks in a webpage while browsing the Website), by simply downloading and installing the browser plug-in available here.

8.3. How to disable cookies
You can always choose to disable cookies in your browser settings. However, this could make access to certain functions of the Website pages more difficult or impossible. Nevertheless, many third party cookies can be blocked without any consequence. You can set your browser so to accept all cookies, or to block them all, or to be notified whenever a cookie is set. Each browser is different, so please check your broswer guide to see what are the procedures required to modify your cookie preferences.

For further information on the cookies used by our Website you can always contact the Company at the address reported in the preceding article 5 and/or by simply consulting the relevant page.

Latest modified on 20th May 2018


Visa - American Express - Mastercard - Klarna - Paypal - Postepay - CartaSI
© Cenina S.r.l.
VAT : IT01651310516 - R.E.A. 128424
Fax: +39-0575-033115 - Tel: +39-0575-421407
E-Mail: [email protected]