» Pictures here!!
Saturday and Sunday the 2nd and 3rd of June we are delighted to invite you to our ...
Festa del Ricamo 2012!Reaching its 6th edition, our yearly event gets double and the whole staff of Casa Cenina will be waiting for you in our warehouse, with booths of products in exclusive preview, a lot of samplers showcased and a garden where you can taste a wide selection of delicatessen from Tuscany, with two exceptional guests:
• Afke Wullink Semplonius, chairman of the Dutch Sampler Societydefinitely one of the most important protagonists of sampler tradition in Northern Europe and a reference point in this sector, she has been widespreading this art since 1977, not just in her homeland, The Netherlands;
• Maria Concetta Ronchetti from Antichi Ricamithe main Italian designer and teacher of "Chicken Scratch Embroidery" and the author of the most comprehensive books about this craft, she's also one of the greatest experts of the history of samplers, which she has managed - thanks to her skills and researches - to carefully reconstruct the evolution of.
Afke and Maria Concetta will be the "judges" of all the samplers you are going to send us for our contest "The Sampler of My Life", the highlight side event of our Festa del Ricamo 2012 (
you can find all the relevant details here). Your samplers are going to be showcased in a room dedicated to
The Sampler of Your Life till the award ceremony, when we will give
four prizes:
3 gift vouchers of 300€, 200€ e 100€ respectively, as well as a special, surprise award, assigned by our technical jury. Moreover, we will be pleased to welcome some of the best-known companies in the world of craft, such as (
Prym, DMC, Zweigart, Premax, ....) that will have their own dedicated spaces, to offer you
exclusively in the two days of our Festa their latest and most famous items at unbelievable prices! An exclusivity reserved to the firends-customers of Casa Cenina.
But more and more surprises are waiting for all of you, dear friends, who are going to visit us on this special occasion! Of course, as in any "party" worth this name

, you will be able to taste some delicatessen: in our garden, this time. Our friends from the inn
Taverna dei Briganti in fact, are going to delight you with their typical food products, for a "perfectly Tuscan" meal or snack!
Of course the event is absolutely free! ... We are looking forward to welcoming you!!!!!
We kindly ask you, if possible, to confirm your visit
Casa Cenina Staff
• Where is the "Festa del Ricamo" being held?
The "Festa" is being held at our headquarters, in Località Castelnuovo, 67/C - 52010 Subbiano, Arezzo. We will be there for you from 10 am to 6 pm, both on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June.
Please, note that parking in the area inside our gate is strictly forbidden, but you will have at your full disposal the area of the gas station just beside our warehouse. You can also park along the main road accessing to our warehouse. In case you are coming with some disabled people, or some friends having particular motion impairments, we beg you to let us know, emailing us in time before the Festa.
• Is there a shuttle bus from Arezzo?
Yes, we are going to rent a shuttle bus and arrange some transfers both in the morning and in the afternoon, so to cover the main arrivals and departures from and to the main towns.
• Where can I find a hotel?
Casa Cenina is located in theCasentino National Park and there is a number of hotels and B&Bs for any need. Here following, please find some links that can help you select what you are looking for: Apt Arezzo Arezzo Notizie
Of course, you can also find some interesting directions through Expedia© or TriVago©. Should you find any difficulty in finding what you are looking for (Resorts, B&Bs, etc.), please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help you.
Amica di viaggio (LODE1840) Date Added: 05/07/2012
C'è qualcuno che parte da Salerno per la festa del ricamo? Cerco una compagna di viaggio
Reply (ElCa954) Date Added: 05/07/2012
Carissima LODE1840, ti consiglio di provare a postare la tua domanda anche sul nostro Forum ;-)
Un abbraccio!
Navetta dalla stazione di Arezzo (FeMa41420) Date Added: 05/12/2012
La Festa del Ricamo a me piace moltissimo, sono sempre venuta! Quest'anno vorrei venire in treno, io sto a Roma, appena sapete gli orari della navetta potreste farmelo sapere? così prenoto il treno giusto in corrispondenza della navetta sia per l'andata sia per il ritorno. Grazieeeeeee
Navetta (ElCa954) Date Added: 05/14/2012
Carissima Ferida, stiamo organizzando proprio in questi giorni anche il noleggio del minibus per i trasferimenti da e per la stazione, quindi vi terremo sicuramente aggiornate :-)
Un abbraccio e a prestissimo!
stoffe patchwork (mide1311) Date Added: 05/23/2012
Ci saranno alla festa del ricamo anche le vostre collezioni di stoffette patchwork? Mirella
Reply (ElCa954) Date Added: 05/23/2012
Carissima Mide1311, ci puoi scommettere ;-)
Certo che ci saranno! Io e Monica saremo proprio nella mitica "stanzona delle stoffe" per tagliare, consigliare e... Insomma, fare tutto il possibile per guidarvi tutte in questo splendido mondo colorato di morbidissime cotonine!!! Magari si formerà un po' di coda, questo è giusto dirlo... Però, varrà la pena aspettare qualche minuto ;-)
A prestissimo :-)
Reply (GiPi52776) Date Added: 05/28/2012
ci saranno dei minicorsi?
Minicorsi (ElCa954) Date Added: 05/29/2012
Cara GiPi52776, quest'anno non avremo corsi durante la Festa, poiché essendo per la prima volta direttamente al magazzino e non più al relais dove si è svolta gli altri anni, si tratta anche per noi di una prima volta, appunto, e abbiamo preferito "non mettere troppa carne al fuoco", come si suol dire ;-) Con tutti gli esperti delle aziende partner presenti, comunque, e, ovviamente, tutte noi a servirvi, qualsiasi tipo di consiglio tecnico sarà dispensato più che volentieri!
Speriamo di poterti accogliere sabato e domenica prossimi e un caro saluto.
Reply (GiPi52776) Date Added: 05/30/2012
ci saranno punti di ristoro? e bar?GiPi
da Verona (mast22106) Date Added: 06/01/2012
penso proprio che verrò! sarà un po' faticoso ma credo che ne valga assolutamente la pena.!! a presto