Madapolam fabric - White

Madapolam fabric - White

The strongest and softest cotton - Percalle Madapolam

From: CasaCenina

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A 100% pure cotton, ideal to finish your quilts and to create household linens.
It was actually born for linens in the 19th century and its name comes from the Indian "Madapollam": a suburb of Madras, where the well-known India Company owned a factory where this fabric was manufactured. A precious, soft and highly resistant weave, that has come to our days unaltered in its main characteristics.
With its153 gr/m² weight , this cotton fabric is known and also supplied as "Percale Cotton".
The price is meant for a cut of si intende per un taglio di 1 meter x 300 cm, in the instance of the Madapolam, and for a cut of 1 meter x 295 cm in the instance of the Percale Cotton.

[STOCEN-MADAPOLAM-500 #129701]
€ 14.25
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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
paolalecce Wednesday 11 July, 2018

very soft and excellent quality fabric. It stretches very well. It lends itself to many uses: I used it to sew panels with applied embroidery on the kitchen sideboard. I will certainly buy it again

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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