That's exactly what Juliet said to her beloved Romeo from her balcony and...
That's how
Nora Corbett's Mystery for Casa Cenina is called 
Echoing once more these immortal words and right in Juliet's town, Casa Cenina and Nora will soon be waiting for you, with a special event, conceived to make this occasion much more than a traditional Mystery!
Now, just a couple of succulent - and necessary! - details
3 parts: the first being issued at the end of January, the second between mid and end of february and the third is coming as "great final", crowning this special happening with a unique event, where
Nora is going to honor us with her presence, in the magical atmosphere of the hometown of the heroine, she's chosen as the protagonist of her design!We kindly suggest you not to make many plans towards the first weeks of Spring, for during the same event, it'll be possible to get one's own chart - or one's own Mystery being stitched - signed personally by Nora
Moreover, at the meeting, a
limited-edition lithography of the original design will be available for you to purchase and you'll be able to see from real the complete, stitched design, finally "revealed"!!!
Those who will not be able to take part live in our event with Nora in Verona will anyway be given the opportunity to receive the third and last part of the Mystery signed by the designer and with her personal inscription
You can find here the form to sign up and get your Mystery, with all the different fabric options (aida or flax) and floss options (DMC hand-dyed threads) and their prices. In any case, no matter what fabric and threads you're selecting, the chart will be supplied with a precious, exquisite "pearl", 100% handcrafted in Italy: a so-called "fuseruola", a small, very ancient pendent, made of fine ceramic, which is crafted and hand painted and was originally created - very probably - as a weight for spindles and as a unique head for particular needles, but has always been used also as a love token!The form to sign up to our Mystery must be filled out and sent within
Wednesday, January 20th. We promise, we'll do our best to also meet the needs of the "latecomers", who - for any reason - might not make it in time... But, please, bear in mind that after the above-mentioned deadline, we cannot guarantee anything.
Get ready and... Wish you all a sparkling 2016!!!Get the list of the threads needed for the Mystery here
che felicità (LULY76) Date Added: 01/01/2016
nn vedo l ora di rincontrarla .
spero davvero di poterci essere e trascorrere ancora qualche minuto in sua compagnia ...
grazie cenini siete davvero unici !!!
Reply (GiFe6609) Date Added: 01/01/2016
Grazie per questa bellissima opportunità
Al sal parteciperò sicuramente è farò il possibile per venire a Verona, non ero riuscita a venire ad Arezzo e non posso lasciarmi scappare questa altra occasione
Auguri di buon Anno a tutti. Giovanna
Non vedo l'ora. .. (GiFe6609) Date Added: 01/01/2016
Che meraviglia non vedo l'ora di partecipare grazie per questa bellissima opportunità. Non ero riuscita a venire ad Arezzo e cercherò assolutamente di non mancare a Verona.
Buon anno a tutti e grazie del bellissimo regalo che offrite a tutte noi appassionate. Giovanna
wooow (mach43715) Date Added: 01/01/2016
o che bellooo...veronaaaa...romeo e giulietta?dove lo trovo il modulo x la prenotazione?
ok (LADE1665) Date Added: 01/02/2016
io son già pronta
intanto grazie per la possibilità di scelta trafilati classici e tinti a mano che permette di decidere la spesa
Reply (malina) Date Added: 01/02/2016
Vi chiedo se lo schema sarà stampato oppure di nuovo fatto a mano da lei, come lo schema di Arezzo. grazie
Avevo indovinatooooo!!!!!!! (mape35978) Date Added: 01/02/2016
Che bella Verona....l'appuntamento sarà sotto il balcone di Giulietta ?????
Speriamo di poterci essere,però fin da ora vi dico che sono interessata al mystery.
Sarà comunque un evento da non perdere
Grazie a tutti voi
Reply () Date Added: 01/03/2016
Hallo liebes Casa Cenina Tea!
Ich möchte gerne beim Nora Corbett Mistery teilnehme! Vielen Dank
Marita Hopp
stupendo (BOMU17925) Date Added: 01/03/2016
Non vedo l'ora di vedere il disegno ed i filati. E di andare a Verona !
Nora Corbett Mystery (PeVo73963) Date Added: 01/03/2016
Hallo liebes Casa Team
Erst mal ein schönes Neues Jahr ,das ja sehr spannend beginnt.
Ich möchte mich gerne für das Mystery von Nora Corbett anmelden,freue mich auf eine spannende zeit mit euch und Nora,lieben Gruss Petra Vogel
Nora Corbett Mystery (PeVo73963) Date Added: 01/03/2016
Frohes neues jahr liebes Casa Team
Ich möchte mich gerne für das Mystery von Nora Corbett anmelden,lieben Dank Petra Vogel
regarding nora corbetts mystery for casa cenina mystery (kiol93646) Date Added: 01/03/2016
I just got your email and i'm very excited to get one. How do I go about getting one? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon so I don't miss out. Please email me as soon as possible, been a long time collector since her very first pattern I must have over 100 of her patterns and certainly don't want to miss out on this one. You can email at [email protected] Thank you very much Kim
nora corbett -mystery (DiHo94467) Date Added: 01/03/2016
missed arezzo but managed to order later adour noras designs cannt wait hope fully i wont miss out
Come aderire al Mystery / How to sign up / Wie sich anzumelden (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/04/2016
Ciao a tutte!
Tra qualche giorno, sarà online qui nel nostro sito il modulo con tutti i dettagli e le opzioni, per iscriversi al Mystery e prenotare con assoluta certezza la propria copia ;-) Sicuramente, avviseremo anche via email le iscritte alla nostra newsletter, quindi... Continuate a seguirci e... Buon 2016!!!
Hi there!
In a few days, you'll find online the form to sign up, with all the fabric and floss options of this Mystery, so you'll be 100% sure to reserve yours ;-) For sure, we'll also email all our friends who also subscribed our newsletter, so... Stay tuned and Happy 2016!!!
Hallo zusammen!
In einigen Tagen, wird das Formular hier auf unserer Webseite zur Verfügung stehen, um sich für das Mystery anzumelden. Da wird man die verschiedenen Stoff und Garn Möglichkeiten (und die verschiedenen Preise) finden :-) Man wird sich ganz einfach damit anmelden können. Sicherlich, werden wir auch allen unseren Freundinnen mailen, die sich für unseren Newsletter angemeldet haben, so... Bleiben Sie dran und ein sehr frohes 2016!!!
Tipologia dello schema (malina) Date Added: 01/05/2016
Gentilmente sapreste dirmi se lo schema sarà stampato o scritto a mano da Nora come quello di Arezzo ?
Nora Corbett (kiol93646) Date Added: 01/06/2016
I am so excited about Nora Corbett's Mystery Called Wherefore art thou. I live in Harwood North Dakota in The U.S. although I am unable to attend the party I don't want to miss out on the Mystery. Can you please tell me how to sign up to get the pattern. I have collected over 100 patterns since her very first one,so please let me know as soon as possible. Thank You So Much. Kimberly Olson email: [email protected]
Per Malina (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/07/2016
Ciao :-)
Tutte le parti dello schema saranno stampate.
A presto!
Nora corbett (BiDe73960) Date Added: 01/07/2016
Ich will auch unbedingt dabei sein!!!!!Wann kommt das Formular???,Liebe Grüße,Birgit Delfs
Für Birgit (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/08/2016
Hallo liebe Freundin :-)
Das Formular kommt in den nächsten Stunden: versprochen ;-)
Wenn du dich für unseren Newsletter angemeldet hast, wirst du auch die relevante E-mail bekommen :-)
Liebe Grüße und ein super Wochenende dir!!!
When can we sign up for this (JaSh74415) Date Added: 01/08/2016
I just wanted to enquire as to when we can sign up for the SAL and where on your site will i be able to find it? Been looking out for it since first announced. Is there also any idea of cost. I would have loved to have come to Verona but as i am disabled it is a little difficult both physically and financially unfortunately. But absolutely kove stitching Noras eonderful designs
Thank you
Now it's time to sign up! (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/08/2016
Hi everybody :-)
The form to sign up is now online!
Just click the part of the text here above highlighted in yellow and you'll be re-directed to the form, with all the details ;-)
Mirabilia Sal () Date Added: 01/08/2016
If we would like to purchase the SAL afterwards can we buy later as I would prefer to see the design first as with exchange rates this is a considerable cost for something I have not seen and would cost the same as three mirabilias for just the one pattern.
desbois (nade53322) Date Added: 01/09/2016
avant de m'engager je veux savoir ce que sa représente merci
Threads etc (AnMa60952) Date Added: 01/09/2016
Is it possible to get the threads and fabric after the 20 January? Or does it all have to be ordered now?
Thanks in anticipation
answering your questions (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/09/2016
Hi everybody again :-)
To our friend asking if she can buy later, as written in the post here above, after January 20th we'll do our best to also meet the requests of those who couldn't reserve their SAL in time, but - as it happens with all Mystery SALs - we cannot guarantee anything.
As for the threads and the fabric, generally speaking, we always carry DMC threads and Zweigart linen, so there shouldn't be any problem getting them also after January 20th. It'll be maybe a little harder to get the relevant hand-dyed threads and hand-dyed linen, because - being hand-dyed - they might take longer to get in stock again.
OPS! (ElCa954) Date Added: 01/09/2016
By the way! We'll soon post online the complete material lists for the Mystery ;-) So, you can seen if you already have some of them in your stash!
¡Muy apetecible! (CrAB13702) Date Added: 01/10/2016
Verona me encantó y la perspectiva de bordar un modelo de Nora Corbett me seduce mucho, sin contar la dedicatoria. Creo que voy a caer en la tentación…
Saludos cordiales de Cristina.
Pour Mme Desbois () Date Added: 01/13/2016
Bonjour Mme Desbois, nous comprenons bien votre curiosité au sujet du Mystery de Nora Corbett, mais en étant un mystère, nous ne voulons pas dévoiler tout du début... C'est beaucoup plus sympa de découvrir la grille pas à pas... :-)
Toutefois, si vous avez des doutes pour ce qui concerne les Mystery SAL, voici un lien où vous trouverez tous les infos : http://www.casacenina.fr/blog/qu-est-ce-qu-c-est-exactement-un-sal.html
Bien Cordialement
Pattern Requirements (JeJa73957) Date Added: 01/15/2016
Do you have a list for beads required?
Best Regards,