When celebrating love, it only matters to be in love: at Casa Cenina, we do not make “love distinctions.” And since for the past few years Valentine’s Day has been preceded by a day dedicated to friendship - “Saint Galentine's Day” on February 13, and followed by St. Faustine's Day, dedicated to singles, on February 15, we’re going to party for 4 days this year, adding Sunday, February 16, too!
So from Thursday, February 13, and until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 16, celebrate your love -- as a couple, traditional or non-traditional, in friendship and even as a single person -- with our promotion: 25% off all our products, 12% off books and magazines* and 5 euro additional and immediate discount on all orders of 150 euros or more!
Love who and how you want and…
(*) This promotion does not include already discounted items, Digital Delivery items and very few products, whose authors or manufacturers have forbidden us the sale at a price lower than the price set by them.