Hi everybody there!
from a quick look at the many questions you've sent in the last ten days - i.e. the time that has passed since we posted the launch of our new contest - it's clear that you're already so many, interested in this idea: and we're so happy about that

This is why, we're trying to help you with any possible, further doubt and give you all the possible details, here.
First of all, you can find the regulations clicking
here where all the basic rules of this event of ours are included

Let me also remind you that the contest is going to reach its climax just during the weekend of our next "Festa del Ricamo", on the 2nd and 3rd of June (Saturday and Sunday).
Considering what you've written and commented, it seems your main concerns are about the kind of sampler to stitch... So, let me start making some preliminary remarks: if it's true that in the 18th century, samplers were mainly those composed by alphabets, numbers and monograms, it's as trued that the works having no letters, numbers and sentences were generally indicated as "stitched designs". However, as time went by, these two stitching styles have been merging more and more, somehow, originating what are now modern samplers, such as, for example, those from
Victoria Sampler or from
The Sweetheart Tree just to mention two brands that are used to matching different patterns and subjects and are quite far from the traditional idea of the sampler used by our ancestors and meant, mainly, to learn how to stitch (as already explained in the posts dedicated to this needlework style)

Well, all the above-mentioned samplers can take part in our contest: both the most traditional and those considered "Modern", as those mentioned here above. So, don't worry if you don't like alphabets, are allergic to numbers and monograms make you nervous

No one, in fact, is saying you must stitch them: the only two, mandatory requisites of our contest are that you stitch either on linen/flax (or a fabric of linen mixed with cotton) and that your project respects the geometric nature that's typical of samplers. What does it mean? Well, it's simply that your sampler must not be a "stitched design" as described here above: it must be, on the contrary, composed by patterns laid out to compose a square, a rectangle, a circle, a heart or whatever harmonic geometrical shape, as it actually happens in modern samplers, too, such as, for example in the following ones here:
Sampler Africa •
Noel Sampler•
Over the Hill SamplerThis is why, no matter the sampler you're going to choose, you should always bear in mind that all borders are welcome - from little circles, to small flowers; from geometric patterns, to squares and so on! - for they are always used in samplers, to "mark off" and define them!
But you also have the chance of composing the sampler of your life, creating a "tailor-made" project that's yours only! How? Basically, gathering together the subjects that you feel like having a particular meaning for you, your family and your life, thus composing your personal sampler! You can either invent these subjects, or get them here and there - even in your cross stitch books and magazines, why not? - or also take different details from different charts and put them together, so that they become the "Sampler of Your Life". In this case, your tailor-made sampler may also win the special, surprise award provided for this category of personally created and crafted projects! And since an award doesn't exclude the other one, you might also win two prizes, if you're joining our contest with more than a single sampler

Please, also remember that if you need some inspiration, or if you have any further doubt and would like to helped to "square the circle" and turn an idea into a cross stitch project, we'll be more than happy to help you, guiding you through books, magazines, kits and charts, so that you can get started with your masterpiece
Last but not least, do not forget to write a short description of your sampler, where you're telling us its "story" and the reasons that have led you to stitch it that way, or to select it, as well as the role it has in your life!
And not down in block capitals the expiry date for your project to be delivered, bearing in mind that it must come "free", i.e. with no frames, glass or anything else protecting and embellishing it, because it must be ready to be hung with simple, plain pins on our panels, where it's going to be showcased as it certainly deserves

Everything can be read in our Contest Regulations, though we're looking forward to receiving your questions and... A number of samplers, stitched with the enthusiasm, we know, you've always been putting in stitching!
A warm hug from all of us
Contest NoticeART. 1 - Objective and aims of the Contest
Casa Cenina promotes and organizes the Needlework Contest "The Sampler of My Life", aiming at promoting needlework and namely cross stitch, through crafting a sampler at the participants' choice, or expressly created and/or personalized by the participants themselves.
ART. 2 - How to join the contestThe participation to the contest is individual. The theme of the contest is "sampler".
Each participant can compete with one or more works, by filling out the specific participation form, listing the works sent for the contest. The works must be samplers exclusively: both purchased, both taken from books, magazines, charts or anything already owned by participants, or expressly created by them for the contest itself. The name "sampler" means both traditional samplers, such as those including letters, alphabets, numbers and figures, as well as various, stylized subjects, and more modern samplers, not necessarily including alphabets and numbers, but necessarily including the name "sampler" in their title (if the participant is going to stitch a sampler from a chart or any other publication purchased).
In any case, all the samplers applying for the contest must meet the following three, unavoidable requisites:
1) they must be stitched exclusively on pure linen/flax, or mixed cotton/linen fabric. No samplers stitched on aida fabric are accepted;
2) they must respect the geometrical essence that's typical of this kind of needlework, i.e. they must show a logical and harmonic layout of the patterns stitched, enclosed within a border of repeated subjects, such as little flowers, patterns, small letters and numbers, little leaves or squares, or circles, arranged as a sort of frame, all around the needlework;
3) they must come along with a short description, written by the stitcher and explaining the reasons of this choice or creation (in the instance the stitcher has chosen to create a sampler expressly for this contest).
ART. 3 - Prizes and Rewards Two qualified needlework experts will examine the samplers, as to select the most deserving ones that are going to be showcased in the Exhibition, which will be expressly arranged during the event called "Festa del Ricamo", at Casa Cenina, on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2012 (Saturday and Sunday). All stitchers joining the contest (both selected and not selected for being awarded) will receive a written communication about the jury decision. Among the selected samplers, three prizes will be assigned, consisting in 3 (three) Gift Vouchers of, respectively 300 (three hundred), 200 (two hundred) and 100 (one hundred) euro each, to be used for an order in the website of Casa Cenina, in a sole solution and with no time limits.
The experts will also give a surprise Special Award, to the sampler judged as the best one of all those created expressly for the contest by the participants and, therefore, not stitched following a chart, or taken by a book or publication, but composed and personalized expressly, even with subjects and taken by publications, but restyled and revised following one's fantasy and inspiration.
ART. 4 - Delivering ang getting back one's workThe works must be safely packed by the sender and Casa Cenina cannot be held responsible for any of them arriving already damaged. The works taking part in the contest must be delivered by Sunday the 27th of May 2012 at the headquarters of Casa Cenina, organizing this contest, as mentioned in the art. 8 of this notice. Works can be delivered personally, or, at the cost of the particpant, through postal service or carriers in the following working hours 9,00 - 13,00 / 14,30 - 17,30 (Saturday and holydays excluded). If the postal service is used for delivery, the postmark will be taken into account.
The works arrived for the contest (selected and non-selected) must be personally taken back from the authors (or from other people delegated through the written Participation Form) the evening of Sunday, the 3rd of June, when closing the "Festa del Ricamo" event, at Casa Cenina headquarters. Casa Cenina will send the works back only if requested and at the participant's expenses. All the selected participants will be given a participation certificate, during the prize-giving that will be held on Sunday, the 3rd of June 2012 at Casa Cenina. The relevant Program and Time will be communicated to all participants.
ART. 5 - Accepting Participation RegulationsThe participation to the Contest implies the unconditioned acceptance of all the rules included in this notice. For any controversy related to the participation to this contest the exclusive competent member is the Court of Arezzo.
ART. 6 - Authorization to the publicationThe participants, as the authors of the delivered works, by signing the participation form, authorize Casa Cenina to show, reproduce, photograph and video-record the works to promote the events related to the Contest.
ART. 7 - Information and Consensus to treat personal data
According to what is stated in the article 13 of the Italian law D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 (Code about the protection of personal details), we inform you that the personal details given during the fulfillment of this form can be treated under the privacy conditions and following the above-mentioned Code. The treatment of these data, through IT or manual instruments, has the following aims:
a) communications and commercial promotion related to the activity of Casa Cenina.
a) statistical elaboration and audit activities.
analysis and market inquiries.
a) historical archive of the data.
The treatment of personal details include their collection, recording, organization, conservation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, re-classification of the date according to homogeneous economic categories, utilization, interconnection, block, communication, diffusion, cancellation or the combination of two or more of these operations. Even if it is not compulsory, giving these details is fundamental to inform immediately and precisely the participant about the initiatives by Casa Cenina. We also inform you that the article 7 of this code recognizes to the concerned party a lot of rights, among which: entering the Guarantee records, obtaining any information about the data which concern them, obtaining the cancellation or the block or the update, the modification or the integration together with the notice that these operation are known by the people to whom all this has been communicated, opposing for reasonable motifs to the treatment of these data for commercial or publicity or market enquiring aims. The entitled member for treating all the data is Casa Cenina, based in Capolona - Loc. Cenina, 184/A (AR). Informed of the previous notions, the participant to the contest freely expresses their consensus to the treatment of their data transmitted to Casa Cenina for the following aims: statistical elaborations, audit activities, analysis and market inquiries, historical archive of the data.
ART. 8 - Contest Organizer The Organizer of the contest to which you have to send the objects together with the participation form is: Cenina S.r.l. Loc. Cenina, 184/A 52010 Capolona (AR) Italy Phone 39-0575-421407 For all details you can contact us at the e-mail:
[email protected]
criteri di giudizio (mitr39852) Date Added: 02/13/2012
Ciao a tutte!!! Che sorpresa vedere il regolamento e che gioia!!! non vedo l'ora di iniziare.
ed ho subito una domanda per voi ;-)
volevo sapere in base a quale criterio viene giudicato il lavoro... mi spiego. nell'ultimo concorso c'era il retro perfetto e il lavoro personalizzato, in questo caso si tiene sempre conto del retro oppure viene giudicato il lavoro nella sua bellezza?
Grazie mille e buon lavoro!!!
criteri di giudizio (ElCa954) Date Added: 02/13/2012
Ciao e grazie a te!
In questo caso, non ci sarà un giudizio strettamente tecnico, ma i lavori saranno giudicati secondo tanti parametri: la creatività, se sceglierai di creare tu stessa il tuo sampler personalizzato, ma anche il metodo esecutivo, sicuramente la tecnica, ma il tutto nell'insieme, non come singola caratteristica :-)
Un abbraccio e buon sampler!
regolamento (Andrea) Date Added: 02/14/2012
se ci clicco sopra vado a finire nella home page....
question (wagapapa) Date Added: 02/15/2012
I am from Spain, can I also take part in the competition?
question (wagapapa) Date Added: 02/15/2012
I am from Spain, can I take part in the competition?
question (NiMa44164) Date Added: 02/15/2012
Hola, naturalmente es posible participar en el concurso desde España también. ¡No sólo no hay ningún problema, sino nos alegramos muchísimos de que nuestro concurso pueda ser aún más "internacional"! :-) Un saludo
Consegna del sampler (magr25901) Date Added: 02/24/2012
Premetto che sono gia' al lavoro ;-) Vorrei sapere come deve essere consegnato a voi il mio sampler...tela libera? incorniciato? montato su supporto rigido? ve lo chiedo perche' anni fa ho partecipato ad un concorso internazionale in Belgio e ho dovuto presentare il mio ricamo montato su supporto rigido ma senza cornice. Grazie a voi tutti...sempre.
Consegna del sampler (ElCa954) Date Added: 02/24/2012
Ciao carissima! E grazie per la tua domanda che - certamente - è un dubbio che accomuna parecchie di voi :-)
I sampler vanno spediti "nudi": nessuna cornice e nessun supporto, perché penseremo noi a puntarli con dei piccoli spilli a degli appositi pannelli di sughero, dove le due giurate potranno visionarli in libertà e, soprattutto, in modo tale che non ci sia alcuna possibilità di "danneggiarli", perché gli spillini non vi lasceranno alcun segno!
Una raccomandazione valida per tutte, invece, ragazze è di spedirli dentro una busta di quelle imbottite al loro interno: potete anche piegarli, tanto provvederemo a stirarli, prima di esporli. Però, la busta imbottita certamente li proteggerà nel loro tragitto verso la nostra sede ;-)
Un abbraccio!
Question (wagapapa) Date Added: 02/28/2012
Hi! I'm actually stitching "Big Round Zipper" from Bent Creek. Do you know if it is a sampler and if I can send it to the contest? Thanks a lot.
Answer @wagapapa (IlMo27929) Date Added: 02/28/2012
Yes, you can use the "Big Round Zipper" for the contest and send it. However, you have to customize it with something about you: a detail, a sentence, a motif... just something more personal :-)
All the best from Casa Cenina!
scheda di partecipazione (PaCh40659) Date Added: 05/17/2012
ciauuuuuuu! mi dite cortesemente dove trovo la scheda di partecipazione??? grazie! kiss kiss
Reply (ElCa954) Date Added: 05/17/2012
Ciao carissima! Approfitto di questa tua domanda che, viste le condizioni particolari di questo nuovo concorso (che non impone alcun acquisto, a differenza di quello indetto lo scorso autunno per Abilmente, a Vicenza), non sia necessaria alcuna scheda di partecipazione: è assolutamnte sufficienti inviarci il sampler ricamato - mi raccomando, solo il sampler sulla sua tela, "nudo" e senza alcun vetro o cornice! - e noi provvederemo a catalogarli per esporli durante il weekend della Festa :-)
Un caro abbraccio e... Continuate a "sommergerci" dei vostri splendidi lavori!!!