November 11th, every year, it’s Singles’ Day, because no number - if not the number 1 - can symbolize being single better! Four Chinese young men invented it and the whole world has celebrated it since 1993.
How could we be an exception, here at Casa Cenina? We simply couldn’t… if not for a detail: we’re going to make it longer than the usual 24 hours of Friday, November 11th, so that everyone can enjoy it, no matter the time zone where they live and, of course, no matter if they’re single of happily married or living with their partner.
From 10:45 a.m. on Thursday 10th, until 10:45 a.m. on Saturday 12th,
20% off on all our items**, 12% off on books and magazines and 5 euro of additional, immediate discount on all orders from 120 euro.
(**) This promotion does not include already discounted items, Digital Delivery items and very few products, whose authors or manufacturers have forbidden us the sale at a price lower than the price set by them. Offer ends on 12th November 2022 at 10:45am CET.